Have you ever seen something incorrect on your credit report that was hard to get resolved? For many years, consumers have struggled to correct erroneous information on their credit report because of all the red tape put into place by the credit reporting bureaus. But, there is good news. New policies have been put into...

In part 1 and part 2 of Workarounds to Renting When You Have Bad Credit we discussed solutions you can use to ease a landlord’s concerns about your bad credit. Here are 2 more fixes to your bad credit when trying to find a place to rent. Find a no-credit check rental. Although many landlords...

Bad credit can affect your life in many ways. Not only will it prevent you from buying a home, it can also stand in the way of you finding a place to rent as well. In part 1 of this series, we covered 2 ways you can try to ease a landlord’s concern of you...

We all know that bad credit can have an effect on buying a home. But, what many people don’t know is that it can also have an effect on renting. Some landlords frown upon bad credit scores and deem it as a means of denying you the ability to rent. It doesn’t mean you are...

It can be frustrating when a credit card company closes or cancels your account without you being aware of it. You usually don’t know about it until you’re in the middle of trying to make a purchase. Why would a credit card company do this? There are two main reasons: #1 – They may do...

In parts 1 through 4 of Various Reasons Your Credit Card May Get Declined, we covered reasons a credit card may be declined. Reasons we covered included: You are making an international purchase. You did something that triggered fraud protection. You keyed in the wrong information. You reached your credit limit. Your credit report took...

There’s a good chance you’ve either experienced or seen someone experience a declined credit card. It’s nothing short of embarrassing, but the best thing to do is be prepared so that it practically never happens. Here are situations that may cause your credit card to decline: It’s expired: This happens more often than not. A...

In Part 2 of Various Reasons Your Credit Card May Get Declined, we covered 2 overlooked reasons your credit card may be declined such as reaching your credit limit and keying in incorrect information. In part 3, we cover 2 other reasons your credit card may be declined: Missed payments. If you’ve fallen behind on...

Most of us have either experienced or witnessed the moment when a credit card was declined. It can be an irritating thing to happen. Here are two reasons your credit card may get declined: You’ve reached your credit limit. This can happen to anyone. While out shopping, you may not realize that you’ve reached your...

Have you or anyone you know ever had your credit card declined? It always happens at the most inopportune times and is the fastest way to turn a fun time out into an embarrassing disaster. Most times we aren’t aware of why it happens. Here are some common reasons your credit card may be declined:...

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