Credit Scores

In part 1 and part 2 of Workarounds to Renting When You Have Bad Credit we discussed solutions you can use to ease a landlord’s concerns about your bad credit. Here are 2 more fixes to your bad credit when trying to find a place to rent. Find a no-credit check rental. Although many landlords...

Bad credit can affect your life in many ways. Not only will it prevent you from buying a home, it can also stand in the way of you finding a place to rent as well. In part 1 of this series, we covered 2 ways you can try to ease a landlord’s concern of you...

We all know that bad credit can have an effect on buying a home. But, what many people don’t know is that it can also have an effect on renting. Some landlords frown upon bad credit scores and deem it as a means of denying you the ability to rent. It doesn’t mean you are...

Depending on how you’ve treated your credit in the past, it may be scary to check your score. Regardless whether it’s good, bad or downright ugly, knowing is always better than not knowing. Knowing what your credit score is will help you to do the following: Find any possible mistakes or errors. Believe it or...

Now that your college career is over and your ‘real’ career is beginning, you’re going to start feeling the pressures of adulthood. While you may be reluctant to take on anymore debt, this is the right time to start building credit. Don’t worry… you can do this in a small, manageable way without racking up...

Everyone has a right to check their own credit report annually. For a free copy of your credit report, simply go to This is a wise thing to do as often as possible. That’s the only way you will be able to identify any errors that may be on your credit report. Whether it’s...

While you’re on the mission of improving your credit score, there may be instances where you aren’t seeing a huge impact. Maybe you’re making payments on time and keeping balances low, but for some reason your credit score stays stagnate. When this happens, look at other factors that could be dragging it down. Other things...

If you’ve been trying to get your credit affairs together, yet having no luck there’s probably a good explanation for it. Many times people pay their debts on time and keep their balances low, yet for some reason never see a real increase in their credit score. It’s important to note there are other factors...

If you’ve been making payments on time, yet your credit score is stagnate, there may be other factors to consider. Making payments on time is the biggest factor affecting your credit score, but it isn’t the only factor that affects it. If you make a late payment, it could affect your score by at least...

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