Before you go knocking on a title loan lender’s door, consider other options for your short cash needs. Even if you think you’ve exhausted all conventional lending resources, there still may be other options you haven’t tapped into yet.  Try to think back many years ago before title loans became an option. What could you...

When you’re in a bind, it can be really tempting to take out a payday loan. But, before you sign your name on the dotted line, take a moment to ask yourself if you’ve explored all your options yet. Studies show that nearly 80% of borrowers had other means of covering their shortage of cash....

When you’re in a bind, it can be really tempting to take out a payday loan. But, before you sign your name on the dotted line, take a moment to ask yourself if you’ve explored all your options yet. Studies show that nearly 80% of borrowers had other means of covering their shortage of cash....

Now that you’re aware that you can find a lender who will take a chance on you, don’t make the mistake of going with the first fish that bites. You have to be sure that you’re making a sound financial decision that benefits you in the long run. This means not getting distracted by the...

In part 1 of this series, we began exploring how to get a car loan even with bad credit. Bad credit is an issue many people have, but it doesn’t stop them from needing a ride. If you put in the leg work, you can definitely get the ride you need.  Here are a few...

Don’t be intimidated into thinking you can’t get a car loan if you have bad credit. Chances are strong you can get one, it may just take a little more effort on your part. Will the interest rates be high? Most likely they will, but they may not be as high as you think. It’s...

If you read Part 1 on Realistic Steps To Fixing Your Credit Report, then you know that you need to look at a copy of your report and challenge any errors that you see. Now, let’s move on to two other realistic steps you can take in order to fix your credit report. Ask for...

A poor credit score can take the groove out of things in your life. Instead of being approved instantly for a loan, you’re treated like an irresponsible person. Even if you were irresponsible at one point in your life, something on your report from seven or eight years ago shouldn’t still haunt you. When you’re...

When you’re ready to clean up your credit report, it can be confusing to know where to start. Depending on how bad it is, you may find yourself struggling to figure out whether you need to call the creditors yourself or just ignore it hoping that it’ll go away. Cleaning up your credit report will...

Part of being financially responsible involves staying on top of your credit report. Your report shows you what’s been reported by creditors and should never be taken lightly. It will include everything from missed payments and account balances to charge-offs and credit inquiries. Gaining access to your credit report isn’t as troublesome as it used...

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