
When you run into a financial bind, payday loans are a quick way to get money in as little as 24 hours. These types of loans don’t require good credit or collateral. They are however; much more expensive than traditional which could be a major pitfall. Experts highly recommend that people stay away from them...

In Part 1 of What Everyone Should Know About Payday Loans, we covered the fact that payday loans aren’t cheap and that they will ensure they get paid first. In Part 2, we will cover other secrets you should be aware of. State licensed lenders are normally safer: Before taking out a payday loan, you...

Payday loans are quick and easy loans that don’t require a credit check or collateral. In many cases, they will deposit the money into your account within 24 hours. This can feel like a sweet deal to someone who is in a financial bind. But, there are things everyone should be aware of when it...

When an emergency comes up, payday loans are quick and easy loans that can cover you fast. They don’t require a credit check or collateral and in many cases, they will deposit money into your account within 24 hours. What’s the drawback? You have to be comfortable giving them direct access to your account and...

Have you ever wondered what a direct payday loan lender is? These lenders are the companies who actually make the payday loans. Direct Payday Loan Lenders generally…. Market the loan. This means they find people who want to get the loan and qualify for it. Underwrite it. Decide whether they want to give the person...

How much do you know about what’s in your credit report? Many people may be aware of their score, but their are components that affect your score. When you decide to take a look at your credit report summary, here are 5 things you can expect: Your payment history: This shows you any positive or...

Believe it or not, credit history has a huge impact on your overall credit score. It comes in third place right after payment history and amount owed. As you can see, if you want to keep your credit score, you can’t ignore this important factor. Here’s how you can score high in this very important...

The amount of time you’ve had credit makes a difference in your credit score. In fact, after payment history and amounts owed, length of credit history is the most influential part of your FICO score. Length of credit history means… Age of your oldest credit account Age of your newest credit account Average age of...

Have you ever heard of salary loans? Salary loans are similar to payday loans except the fees are much lower and they are done at your local bank. You usually can only borrow up to $500, although there are some cases where you may be able to borrow more. Here are some advantages to taking...

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