
Have you gotten a preapproved offer in the mail for a loan? Keep in mind that you may get offered a higher interest rate than expected. The lender is going check your credit score and although you might be approved, the lender doesn’t have to give you the same terms you were offered in the...

Credit unions are similar to banks but are owned by their members. That’s why when applying for a loan they make a great option because they are nonprofit organizations that pass along earnings to members in the form of lower fees and higher customer service. If you need to find a credit union go to...

Peer to peer lending is an online platform that allows you to borrow directly from an individual instead of from an institution. Peer to peer lending is growing in popularity because it’s a simple process that’s a win-win for borrowers who pay low interest rates and investors who earn high interest rates. You can borrow...

If you’re a new grad, the Citi Double Cash Card is a great option. Depending on your credit, you can enjoy a variable 14.24% to 24.24% interest rate with no Annual Fee. The Citi Double Cash Card rewards you for paying the bills on time. Cardholders earn 1% cash back on purchases, then another 1%...

When you’re trying to clean up your credit score, you can’t help but want to pay things off. But that may not be a good idea. Keep in mind that when you’re not paying, the lender isn’t happy. So, you actually have an upper hand in this situation with negotiating power. After all, they do...

The short answer is no. It’s best to skip borrowing money to buy things that will depreciate such as vacations, cars and clothes. When possible, it’s best to pay cash for cars because when you borrow, you’re paying someone to temporarily use their money. If what you buy with that money goes up in value...

If you’re recently divorced, you have to make some new adjustments in your life. And if your ex used to make all the financial moves, you’re really in for a major adjustment. One of those adjustments being getting a credit card. If you’re looking for a solid rewards credit card that still has the training...

There are plenty of sources to find obtain your credit scores. However, the scores created by Fair Isaac Corp., aka FICO, is most commonly used. This is what you want to go by when checking out your credit report. Credit scores through this system range from 300 to 850 and are broken down into these...

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