
How Not to Fall Behind Financially

There can be times when paying bills on time seems impossible, and times when it truly is. In order to keep things from getting even worse it is important to contact your lenders and explain your situation. They will be able to give you advice about how to move forward and hopefully offer a payment...

How Can a Credit Counseling Agency Help You

Credit Counseling Agency can offer professional advice with a free initial session on topics with high importance to your life. One example is general budgeting session, where you will go over your financial life, including income, expenses and financial goals. Another example is housing counseling, where you will talk about managing the cost of housing...

Can You Buy a Car with a Credit Card?

When buying a vehicle, some prefer to use their credit card for the down payment or a portion of the sale, but there is a limit to how much you can pay. Many auto dealers put a limit on how much a buyer can put on a credit card from several reasons. First, because they...

When and How to Check Your Credit Report

It is recommended to take the time once a year to check your credit report. You can request a free copy from each of the nationwide consumer credit reporting companies—Equifax®, Experian®, and TransUnion®. Remember that your credit score is not part of the report, and you can check it separately. It is important to go...

How Your Card Can Help You Stay on Track

Finance experts say that you can use your credit card as a way to monitor your budget and spendings. This method will work well to those people who are certain that they are able to pay their bills in the end of the month, as you don’t want to get yourself into trouble by getting...

How to Build Credit History

Having a short credit history is not helpful when you need to apply for a loan or take a mortgage. Some people have no credit card at all, and then no history when they need it or asked about that. It takes about three to six months from the time you start using a credit...

Why You Need a Credit Card

Some people are used to having a debit card and they don’t understand how important it is to have a credit card. First of all, a credit card that is used correctly and paid on time can help you build credit. Without a good credit it can be difficult to obtain a loam, a mortgage,...

How to Choose the Best Credit Card for You

Howard Dvorkin, founder of Fort Lauderdale, Florida-based Consolidated Credit Counseling Services and author of “Credit Hell: How to Get Out of Debt,” says that when it comes to picking a credit card, “people have to sit down and think about what’s important to them.” There are some questions that shoppers can ask themselves regarding how...

When Not to Take a Personal Loan

Before taking on a loan and the huge financial commitment, ask yourself why you need that money. Often times people take personal loans to pay off their credit card, write a check for college, or to invest in a business. There are many more reasons which are legitimate, but if you want the money to...

Life Insurance and Credit Scores

According to policy genius, your credit score has little affect on your life insurance rates. There are other reports which are more relevant, such as your medical records, your prescription drug history, and your criminal records. Life insurance companies may run a soft inquiry of your credit report, but it will have a light affect....

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